And that's that for the guest comics! I hope you all enjoyed them, and have checked out the awesome creators who took the time to make them for me. Thanks to them, I've been able to take care of a ton of work I'd had built up, including but not limited to merchandise! FINALLY! I had time to design a handful of cool Paranatural things that you guys will be able to get real soon, so look forward to that!
The first page of Chapter 5 goes up on Tuesday the 30th, after the holidays and on the CUSP of the NEW YEAR. Guys, I could not be more excited. There's SO MUCH FUN STUFF planned for this chapter, including and especially for characters we haven't seen a lot of yet/in a while! Also, definitely check out this here news section next week, 'cause there will most likely be some cool announcements! :^)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few more things to finish up! See you soon, and thanks for reading!